0208 5193 977

Elsham Road, Leytonstone, London, E11 3JH



Vision Statement

At The Jenny Hammond Primary School, we provide high quality teaching through a broad and balanced curriculum. We aim to provide lessons rooted in scientific enquiry with practical hands-on experiences that encourage a deeper understanding and curiosity with questioning. We believe it is vital to promote and develop transferrable skills such as observation, communication and teamwork to evolve the whole child as a lifelong learner. Our objective is to provide lessons which consolidate prior knowledge, encourage deeper understanding and that are rooted in scientific vocabulary. Children will leave our school enthusiastic, passionate science learners who will confidently ask questions and explore the world around them way beyond their time at our school. They will have an understanding that science has changed our lives and that it is vital to the world’s future prosperity. We empower our children so they understand they have the capability to change the world.


 Cultural Capital - Science.pdfDownload
 Intent, Implementation, Impact - Science.pdfDownload
 JHPS Science Progression Map.pdfDownload
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